1. Communication and PR-Advocacy Committee
Define our communication agenda.
Develop messages and materials.
Identify audiences for communication.
Engage, establish and maintain ongoing lines of communication.
Gather feedback and modify positions, messages, and materials as appropriate.
Chair: Brody Wamble -
Members include: Email Brody to Join
2. Education Committee (TN Housing Conference, Speakers Bureau, Conferences Awareness)
Establish guidelines to utilize CHDAT funds to assist non-profits in furthering their education
Assist with the expansion of the Tennessee Housing Conference.
Make member organizations aware of available educational opportunities.
Refine and expand web-based resources targeted at networking and education of coalition members.
Chair: Daryl Hill - Woodbine Community Organization,
Members include: Anne Cooper, Brody Wamble, Don Alexander, Donna Lewis, Khandra Smalley, Muriel Nolen, Shannon Beauchene, Sharon Hyde, Suzie Tolmie. Email Daryl to Join
3. Finance Committee
Assist with the expansion of income to assist operations of coalition.
Monitor membership dues effectiveness and make recommendations.
Chair: Maria Catron – Oak Ridge Housing Authority,
Members: Email Maria to Join
4. Legislative Committee
Engage, establish and maintain ongoing lines of communication with legislators.
Establish areas of coalition alignment and define our communication/advocacy agenda.
Plan annual legislative event.
Identify legislative bills that affect affordable housing.
Establish areas of coalition alignment
Co-Chairs: Kelsey Oesmann, Urban Housing, and Wesley Harvey, Parks
Members include: Colleen Dudley, Amy Schaftlein, Terry Malone, Donna Duarte, Allie Cohn, Sam Edwards, Jeremy Heidt, Gloria Reynolds, Hope Caruthers, Sharon Hyde, Kevin Clavin, Overton Colton. Email Kelsey or Wesley to Join
5. Membership Committee (Grow Membership, Directory)
Expand Tennessee Affordable Housing Coalition (TNAHC) membership.
Increase participation and effectiveness of regional TNAHC organizations.
Develop and maintain a comprehensive directory of coalition members, including identification and description of member organizations and individual representatives/members.
Chair: Open For You?
Members: Email Dominique Anderson to Join